The Best Is Yet To Come

I went back to my university this weekend to celebrate my birthday by attending a football game, a birthday gift from my husband. I wanted to show him around the campus that had meant so much to me and had helped shape my love of art and my life in general. That time had been one of the most adventurous and fun times of my life. I was introduced to new ideas, new ways of thinking, new languages, new people and new places. It was the transition from teenager to adulthood, living on my own for the first time. It was late nights, live music and road trips. It was deep friendships, new books, cramming for tests and lots of cheap pizza. It was just… college.

As I walked through the open green area between the art buildings where I had spent so much time, I was struck by a sudden realization that tears were streaming down my face. Twenty-five years had passed in the blink of an eye. I felt a longing for simpler times – a time without bills, without adult responsibilities, without masks and Covid.

And then I remembered my sweet husband, who was walking quietly behind me. My healthy mom walking with him, letting me take my solitary stroll down memory lane. I thought of the amazing life I had experienced in the time since college, the friendships, travels, ups and downs that had shaped the woman I had become in middle-age. My life is better now than ever before because I have consciously designed it.

Living in the past, believing that the best days are behind you, leaves a person sad and frustrated. But creating a life that excites you NOW, that makes you happy to wake up on Monday morning, lights you up inside and out. Creating big goals and dreaming up new adventures keeps you vibrant and curious about life. I know because I changed my outlook and my life changed with it.

Want to change YOUR outlook? Want some help setting those big goals and dreaming up adventures? Reach out to me for a free discovery call and let’s talk about how coaching with me can benefit you!


Having It All


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