Having It All

There’s a lot of talk about “hustle” these days. The idea of working hard enough to “have it all”. But I’ve been wondering if I really want it all, or if that’s even possible.

Our time in this life is limited. It goes by in the blink of an eye. And rather than trying to have it all, one needs to make choices – sometimes hard choices – about where to put one’s energy. Ask yourself, “What is most important to me?” and then focus your energy on those things, not ALL. THE. THINGS.

How many times have you written new year’s resolutions that were a page long? I know I have. I’m going to lose 1,000 pounds, build a seven-figure business, travel the world, give up this and that, etc. And I end up doing maybe one, maybe none by the time December rolls around. The list can be inspiring, sure, but most of the time it’s just overwhelming.

What if we pick one or two areas of passion and put all our energy there instead of scattering it about? A focus on deepening family relationships, an intention to save up and travel to a dream destination, or just a word to meditate on for the coming year.

And what if we don’t put a deadline on our goal, but rather add some new habits that move us closer to our goal and let it happen in its own time, as life unfolds, enjoying the journey as much as the destination? (Planning and anticipating a vacation can be as enjoyable as the vacation itself.)

Here’s to not having it all but having what matters and letting go of the rest. To deciding what is most important in life and removing the burden of a list that’s really too much.

Food for thought.


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